Lunch today is chicken fajita wraps, Spanish rice, refried beans, and fruit. Lunch tomorrow is tater-tot hotdish, green beans, bread, and fruit.
Bus routes #4 and #5 will be combined in the afternoons only for all of this week.
Please return calculators to Mrs. Backer before the end of this week.
Students interested in Babe Ruth Baseball the deadline to hand in registration forms will be Friday, May 19.
Anyone interested in summer rec activities there will be registration forms on the table next to the Community Ed room.
There will be no homework help with Tami this afternoon.
Seniors, I will be handing out your caps, stoles and gowns on Thursday this week.
Golf is dismissed at 10:30 today.
Baseball is dismissed at 1:30 today.
Softball is dismissed at 1:45 today
Track is dismissed at 2:45 today.