Lunch today is chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread, and fruit. Lunch tomorrow is meatball subs, chips, fruit, and salad bar.
Open gym will start Sunday, Nov. 6. It will also take place on Wednesday. Time is from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and the cost is $2.00 per session or a punch card can be purchased.
Snowmobile safety class registration is due Oct. 14th.
If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior interested in attending NDSU to study in the Animal Science, Equine Science or Veterinary Technology programs, please see Mrs. Hersch to register for Discovery Day on October 21st. Registration deadline is October 14.
Any girl in grades 7th or 8th that is interested in playing JH girls basketball; there will be a meeting in Mr. Spilde’s room on Tuesday during break.
A reminder that today is picture day.
9-12 Volleyball students will be dismissed at 2:15 today.