Lunch today is ham/turkey wrap, chips, fruit, and salad bar. Lunch tomorrow is chicken sandwiches, tater tots, and fruit. Teachers please enter tomorrow’s lunch counts on JMC by the end of first hour. Thank you.
Cross country will be dismissed at 1:30 today.
There is pep band tonight at 6:30.
Open gym will start Sunday, Nov. 6. It will also take place on Wednesday. Time is from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and the cost is $2.00 per session or a punch card can be purchased.
Students who are interested in taking snowmobile safety class, can pick up a registration form in the office.
Sanford Clinic will come here Oct. 7 to give flu shots to any students and staff who are interested. There are two forms in the office that will need to be filled out and turned into the office by Oct. 5 if you would like to get your flu shot.
Picture day will be October 10. There are forms for picture day in the office.
If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior interested in attending NDSU to study in the Animal Science, Equine Science or Veterinary Technology programs, please see Mrs. Hersch to register for Discovery Day on October 21st. Registration deadline is October 14.