Lunch today is crispy chicken wraps. Lunch tomorrow is hot dogs.
It’s FFA week this week. Fun fact: FFA became a national organization in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri with an annual membership of 10 cents. Today’s dress up day is American Day. Tomorrow’s dress up day is Battle of the Brands – wear the color of your favorite equipment.
Due to the severe cold warning that is in effect for today, we are making some changes to our start times for our GBB and BBB games today.
BBB vs B-E: The JV will start at 5:00 and the varsity game will follow. (Around 6:15). There will be no C-game tonight. Boys basketball will be dismissed at 2:50.
GBB vs Park Christian: We will not play a JV game tonight. The varsity will take Wheaton and Herman vans and play a varsity game starting at 5:30. Girls basketball is dismissed at 3:00.
JHBBB will practice today in Clinton after school. Bus leaves at 3:20.
Wrestling will practice in Graceville today. Bus leaves at 3:30.